Thai Fish Cake
Giraffe (长颈鹿) & Tom Yum Chicken with Noodle
Seal (海狮) & Pad Thai Chicken
How did everyone spend their last day in 2011? Poor me was working that day T.T After working I felt really hungry so my dinner was taken at a restaurant nearby my workplace.
I always walk past this restaurant but have never paid attention to it-- Ghin Khao Thai Food (a restaurant located somewhere on the very busy Swanston Street). It looks very normal outside, but since it's a meal taken with my very-good friend (Giraffe), everything there becomes special =) Well actually, the interior is not too bad.
Honestly speaking, 2 girls couldn't eat much~We ordered Thai Fish Cake, Pad Thai Chicken and Tom Yum Chicken with Noodle. The Thai Fish Cake was a bomb! I always think that South East Asia's cuisine is amazing, cause they are so good in using a great range of herbs and spices to produce a very unique and "complicated" taste. The fish cake had a combination of different tastes but they all combined harmoniously. Well the Pad Thai Chicken I ordered disappointed me a little bit. The noodle is too thin for me, I personally prefer the noodle in Saffront Thai (a Thai restaurant in Caulfield) which is a bit thicker. But taste-wise, it's quite nice. As for the Tom Yum Chicken with Noodle ordered by my friend...we rated it a 6 out of 10. The tom yum taste was quite light, and the soup base seemed pretty clear (not as reddish as those served in other Thai restaurants). I actually heard that the authentic Thai Tom Yum Soup looks like this, but still we prefer tom yum soup of stronger taste.
Ok done with the food recommendation~can I please say something unrelated now? XD This restaurant has a very cute little glass! The bottom of the glass is uneven (it looks like a cone shape down there). But it wouldn't fall no matter how you push it~have a look at the picture down here>>
In conclusion, I think this restaurant is pretty normal. Anyhow you are more than welcome to try out the restaurant (or you might just want to see the cute little glass??) yourself. The dish over another table looked really nice (but not ours =p)
242 Swanston Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000
Happy New Year! Please enjoy your 2011 to the most and leave no regrets!!
Ghin Khao Thai Food,是一间我走过很多次都没发现的餐厅。。。其实它就座落在Swanston大街上。外观看来很普通的餐厅,可是因为是跟很要好的朋友一起吃的,所以就显得特别起来了 =) 走入餐厅后发现气氛还不错哦!
两个女生也吃不了多少,我们点了 Thai Fish Cake, Pad Thai Chicken 和 Tom Yum Chicken with Noodle。 Thai Fish Cake 很令人惊艳!我觉得东南亚的料理很不可思议,它们用各种香料,搭配出一种独特又多层次的风味。像这个 Fish Cake 的味道就很丰富,各种味道交杂在一起可是却很搭。我点的 Pad Thai Chicken 嘛,就比较逊色一点了。它的面条偏细,偶个人还是比较喜欢 Saffront Thai (另一件在 Caulfield 的泰国餐厅)版本的面条啦~撇开口感不说,味道还算不错。再来说说我朋友点的 Tom Yum Chicken with Noodle,这个就更逊色一点了。。。哈哈!!那 Tom Yum 口味偏淡,汤也比较清澈见底。我曾听说正宗的泰国 Tom Yum Soup 就长这个样子,可能是个人喜好的关系,我们都偏好口味重一点的 Tom Yum Soup。
好啦介绍完毕,再来想说一下无关紧要的小事。这间餐厅有个超可爱的玻璃杯!!它的底部是不平的,可是怎么推都不会倒~神奇吧?照片也给上传一下让各位看看 XD
242 Swanston Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000
赞成。这正是我想说的话 =)食物好吃与否完全关乎心情