Thursday 12 January 2012

Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie

Long time no see~I am so slack!! I was too tired playing for the past few days, hey wait, I think I forget to mention I am back in Malaysia for holidays now XD I spent couple of days in KL before I go back to my home town Ipoh. My poor sis ( who works in KL) brings me around KL these few days and you know what? we never go home before we feel super exhausted. Every time I see her exhausted face, I would purposely ask "Why are you so tired?" And then she would look at me with an annoyed face that said "All because of you", hahaha!!

Malaysia's first stop: I would like to recommend this restaurant/ cafe (very good ambience in there =D). They mainly serve desserts, but they do sell savoury food. We had our breakfast there so we ordered only buns and coffee, actually their pasta & soup look nice too! The bun itself is impressive! I am very impressed by the Walnut cream cheese bun that is covered by poppy seeds. (I don't remember the exact name but for sure you can recognise this distinguished bun if you reach there) Inside the bun is cream cheese (do you even need to mention this??) and dried fruits, sweet and tasty. The Custard cream donut is a MUST-TRY!! It is corn-flakes-covered (add to the crunchiness) and the custard is not too sweet, superb combination XD As for the Durian melon bun, the filling tastes just like a real durian, while the bun is crunchy outside. Frankly speaking, I am not a durian fan but I am sure durian fans will like it. Try normal melon bun if you are someone like me. The caramel nut danish is nice too! Nuts-lover shouldn't miss it. The Japan ?? bun (sorry I forget the name again T.T) is nice but it's pretty normal, feels like something we can get from normal bakery. The most disappointing thing I would say, is the Chestnut Mont Blanc. I always see this dessert in Japanese comic and hence, been wanting to try it since then. Is it because I have too high expectation? It tastes really normal and even worse, with some sort of sourish taste. I don't know whether it's spoiled or is that the original taste?

Well for the Cappuccino, I think Australia's one is better. The cappuccino here is not as creamy and smooth. Considered not bad though, a good match for something sweet =)

No. 7, Jalan Delima,
55100 Kuala Lumpur,

哟哟好久不见!小女子又偷懒了 XP 与其说是偷懒,不如说是玩得太疯,玩得太累!前几天我刚回到马来西亚,在吉隆坡逗留了好几天,每一天都要玩得全身虚脱才肯罢休!阿不然就太浪费在吉隆坡的时光了~哈哈哈!不过就可怜了我的妹妹,她在吉隆坡工作,比较熟悉哪里好玩好吃,所以这几天就由她带我上山下海。每天回家看到她一副“惨”样,我就会故意问她:“为什么你这么累的?” 于是她就会以一种“还不是因为你”的厌恶眼神看着我,哈哈哈太好玩了XD

马来西亚第一炮:给各位介绍这个美死人不偿命的餐厅~它主要卖甜点,但也有卖主食。那天早上我们吃的是面包早餐和咖啡,其他像意大利面什么的没有点。单单它的面包就让我大为惊艳了!首先我对那个布满了黑色 poppy seeds 的 Walnut cream cheese bun 印象深刻。(名字不太肯定,不过你去到那边一定会认得这个很有特色的面包)。它里面有cream cheese (那还用说?!)和各种干果,味道吃起来甜而不腻。再来那个 Custard cream donut 也是好吃得没话说!!不太甜的 custard 配上那香脆的 corn flakes 表层,一个“赞”绝对不足于形容我对你的爱恋 XD XD 我们还点了Durian melon bun,面包表层非常香脆可口,咬下去里面是满满的榴莲味。。。只可惜我不是榴莲的“饭死”,要不然我一定也很爱你!建议不爱榴莲的人试试它们的melon bun,我相信也会很好吃噢 =) 另外也点了Caramel nut danish, 爱豆人士绝对不能错过~全桌唯一的咸面包-- Japan ??bun (又忘记名字了 T.T) 好吃是好吃,但没有令我惊艳,感觉外面的面包店也能吃到类似的口味。这么多餐点里面,最让我失望的是 Chesnut mont blanc。话说我看日本漫画时常会出现栗子蒙布朗,所以小女子对这个没吃过的甜点一直很向往。。。终于!在Levain发现了它!于是迫不及待地买下来尝尝~是因为期望太大吗?它吃起来很普通,而且还带有一点酸味。。。不知道是坏了还是原本的味道就是这样。

至于它的Cappuccino呢~就比澳洲逊色了一点~没那么香滑浓郁。不过还算不错,配甜点蛮合适的 =)

No. 7, Jalan Delima,
55100 Kuala Lumpur,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kylie,
    I enjoyed reading your blog and i was wondering if you would be interested to be a translator for my blog?? :)
