Friday 23 December 2011

Chocolate chip banana muffin 香蕉巧克力马芬

I had decided to bake a Chocolate chip banana muffin for my friend's graduation that day, it's a recipe taken from the Taste website. The taste is not bad but...I burnt the bottom part of the muffin >"< I am not used to the oven in my friend's house (it is fire-operated)~ Anyway, I can guarantee that the ending result (your muffin) will look great if you use the normal oven to bake ^^

I am too lazy to rewrite the recipe in English so...please refer to the Taste website, thank you XD

Reminder: I know I had mentioned this before but please allow me to remind you all once again...don't overbeat the batter! Or else your muffin will have a very hard texture

那天为朋友的毕业典礼烤了个香蕉巧克力马芬,这食谱取自Taste的网站~味道还不错,只可惜我这次烤焦了马芬的底部 >"< 因为不太熟悉朋友家的烤箱(底部有火的那种)所以烤焦了,各位不用担心,如果你用的是普通烤箱,我保证这个温度烤出来的马芬一定是美美的 ^^


材料:2 杯自发粉
            1/2 杯糖
            1/2 杯牛奶
            2 个蛋
            2 条香蕉,压烂
            60 克牛油,溶化
            1 杯 (200克)巧克力豆


提醒:虽然之前说过了,但是小女还是要很啰嗦地提醒一次(哎呀歹势啦 XP)~做马芬的要诀就是不能过度搅拌,这样烤出来的马芬才松软好吃噢

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