Wednesday 14 December 2011

Sticky date pudding 热枣布丁

Another cake for friend's birthday-- sticky date pudding! This friend used to thought that Sticky Date Pudding  implies a "Romantic date", hahaha! Well actually, the DATE refers to the core ingredients of this cake-- DATE, but not the date's DATE, you get it now? hahaha!!

I got this recipe from Taste website, pretty nice. It's good to eat it hot =D

Ingredients: (A) Cake: 250g dates, pitted, chopped
                                   1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
                                   1 1/2 cups boiling water
                                   125g butter,softened
                                   1 cup brown sugar
                                   2 eggs
                                   1 3/4 cups self-raising flour

                  (B) Butterscotch sauce: 1 cup brown sugar
                                                      300 ml thickened cream
                                                      60g butter

Method: (A): 1. Place chopped dates in a bowl, add bicarbonate of soda, then pour in boiling water. Set aside for 20 minutes.
                     2. Use mixer to mix butter and sugar until pale and creamy.
                     3. Add in eggs and stir, 1 at a time.
                     4. Add in flour and stir well.
                     5. Mix the date mixture from Step 1. with the flour batter.
                     6. Pour the mixture into 8 small bowls OR a 22cm cake tin (greased). Bake at 180 C for 35-40 minutes.

             (B): 1. Combine all ingredients for (B). Cook and stir with medium heat until it comes to the boil. Then lower the heat to medium-low and simmer for 2 minutes.

Pour butterscotch sauce over the cake to serve. Hope you enjoy baking + eating XD

又是一道做给朋友的生日蛋糕~热枣布丁!我这个朋友曾经以为英文版的“热枣布丁”有“甜蜜的约会”的意思,哈哈哈笑死我了 XD 其实那 Sticky Date Pudding 的 Date 指的不是“约会”,而是这道甜点的原材料-- “枣”。

我这食谱取自Taste 的网站,还蛮好吃的。建议趁热吃 =D

材料:(A) 蛋糕:250 克枣,去种子,切碎
                              1 茶匙小苏打
                              1 1/2 杯热水
                              125 克牛油,软化
                              1 杯黄糖
                              2 个鸡蛋
                              1 3/4 杯自发粉

  (B) 焦糖酱:1杯黄糖
                        300 豪升奶油
                        60 克牛油

做法:(A): 1。将切碎的枣置于碗内,加入小苏打,再倒入热水。搁置20分钟。

            (B): 1。将(B)的材料全部混合,用中火煮至滚,转小火慢煮2分钟。
